Thursday, October 29, 2009

Discount Online Stock Trading

Discount online stock trading is service offered by online stockbrokers. They provide general information regarding trading and are also less personalized than a full-service stockbroker. Traders prefer them, as their charges are considerably lower than that of a full service broker. Deep discount online stock trading brokers offer minimum service and only trade stocks and options for a flat fee.

In order to start discount stock trading online, investors have to open an account with the discount broker. Most discount brokers require a fixed initial deposit for opening a trading account. This can be anything from five hundred to two thousand dollars. After opening the account, deposits of any amount can be made. Deep discount brokers accept the orders and execute them to the letter, without offering any sort of advice. Almost all discount stockbrokers have their websites, through which traders can access and manage their accounts by themselves. Traders, who have a good idea of the market and like to manage their trading accounts by themselves, without any interference of the broker, prefer this option.

Discount online stock trading allows the traders to buy or sell stocks any time of the day. With online discount brokers, there is no need to personally interact with the broker. However, they do have a help line that can be reached, in case of any query. Online trading requires thorough research by the trader, to find a good broker. Traders must also enquire with fellow traders about their experiences, with different online stockbrokers. It is necessary to make comparisons, to find the discount broker that provides the best deal. The commission charged by the broker must also be understood perfectly, for the actual dollar cost per trade. The type and quantity of trade must also be considered, before selecting an online discount broker.

Online Stock Trading provides detailed information on Online Stock Trading, Online Stock Trading Companies, Free Online Stock Trading, Online Stock Trading Games and more. Online Stock Trading is affiliated with Futures Trading Online Analysis.

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Learn E-Currency Exchange To Make Money: Is this a Scam?

Should you attempt to learn e currency exchange trading if the system a is just scam? Is what many courses like Matt Gagnon's mazu are promoting a scam? If not, why are there rumors of e currency exchange being a scam?

If you have asked yourself questions along these lines then I highly recommend you keep reading my review for whether you should learn e currency exchange or not.

First of all, let me clear something up for you. If you've heard about the e currency exchange system being a scam, chances are you heard of it related to comments from Matt Gagnon from Mazu.

Here's why I say this:

1. Matt Gagnon was the first person to create a course for people that wanted to learn e currency exchange. His website is very popular, which leads me to the fact that...

2. He sell outdated courses. He was the first one to create a course, and he never looked back on it. When you learn E currency Exchange you know this is a system that evolves constantly. Since Matt Gagnon from mazu does not update his course, the system he teaches no longer works. This mean upset customers, and on top of that...

3. Mazu does not refund people's money. Making it in the eyes of someone who has just bought their course, a scam. This is what many customers say when they review mazu.

The fact that when you want to learn e currency exchange you can make very good money without really working, mixed with the fact that the best selling course about the subject is a scam as many mazu customers review it, then that makes it very easy to believe that the entire e currency exchange system is a scam.

However, the reality about how the e currency exchange system works is entirely different from what Mazu's Matt Gagnon teaches.

First of all, let me state that from my experience and many others which I personally have heard, it is possible to make good money with the e currency exchange system. The whole system is as good as many people set it out to be.

Meaning the following things:

1. Except when you're just starting to learn e currency exchange, you really don't need to put in more than 30-60 minutes a day to be profitable. After you've done with the learning curve, things become much easier to exchange e currency.

2. You don't need to work when you want to learn how to make money with e currency exchange. This really requires no selling, no marketing of any sorts, and it just takes your checking up on your daily profits and taking a few moments to reinvest them to see even more profits. I understand why this is hard for some people to believe so they call it a scam.

3. Dxinone (the company that does the e currency exchange) is a company that keeps growing and lately has implemented new methods of making money, which shows that it's a stable company and has every intention of being in the market for a long time.

In summary it's ultimately you who has to make the decision to learn e currency exchange. Nothing in this world is completely guaranteed, but from my experience I can tell you that it's no scam. I've never seen anyone in three years loose a single cent while doing this system. So it's up to you to decide if you want to learn e currency exchange trading.

I've writen detailed reviews for the best courses about what you need to learn e-currency trading, so visit my site ( to get detailed reviews about the best e currency training programs.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

E-currency Trading - An Alteative to Futures & Forex Trading

I find it amazing that nearly everyday I receive something online or offline that is the greatest break-through in Trading. You know the stuff. This ‘system´ or that ‘method´ has been thoroughly tested and back-tested in every conceivable fashion and is wildly successful. Some work for a period of time but most do not. The decades old statistical fact still remains, 90+% of Futures Traders will lose all of their trading capital within their first year of trading. Now there is a new and promising alternative.

Enter e-Currency Trading. In simple terms e-currency is Internet Money. E-Currency allows the purchase of Internet goods and services at lightning speed and most importantly with a high level of security. Much higher than credit cards, bank transfer etc. The demand for e-currency should only grow as Internet Commerce grows.

So what does this have to do with trading? There are literally hundreds of different e-currencies. Each is backed by an underlying Currency or a precious metal. The need arises to exchange between these e-currencies or convert an e-currency to hard cash. Much like the Euro is to the European Union. We can profit from the exchanging process and profit from the fluctuation of the underlying currency value.

The same basic strategies apply to e-currency trading as with futures trading. Supply and demand dictates price primarily. You could buy e-currency that has historically performed well (buying the trend) or go the opposite way and buy those that are under-performing, looking for a turn-around. You can even chart them if you like.

Leverage, that double-edged sword that Futures Traders are so familiar with is also present in e-Currency Trading. You can borrow against your portfolio to buy more e-currency. The compounding affect is almost outrageous. Some would argue that you never have to pay back the leverage. I contend that it is paid back if you closed your e-Currency account, because your final balance would be less the amount leveraged. The point here is the leverage in futures trading is often times the demise of a well intended trader versus the leverage afforded an e-currency trader combined with the daily compounding affect creates portfolio growth at a phenomenal rate. It is not uncommon to see portfolio growth of 20 – 40% per month.

Futures Trading and e-Currency Trading have a common downside. The learning curve is huge and can be frustrating and costly. Each has unique terminology, which is impossible to work around until you have a good understanding of the meaning. Thankfully in this world of information, we are able to find resources online and offline that shorten that curve. How much it is shortened is dependent on how much time you want to dedicate.

Industry experts have debated for years the optimum amount one should fund their futures trading account with. The obvious moving target is enough capital to withstand the drawdown periods. Many factors go into this but I´ve seen numbers range anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 and up. If this is the case then there is little doubt why most futures traders lose as most are willing to fund only the amount required to cover Margin or the Brokers account minimum usually a few thousand dollars. One of the biggest reasons for small business failure is being under capitalized, the same holds true in futures trading.

E-Currency Trading is different in that the experts recommend starting with a few hundred dollars and let the system build your account. Whatever route you choose, only trade with risk capital.

E-Currency Trading certainly has advantages over traditional futures trading and may well be worth your serious consideration.

Merv Thompson is the owner of a website that provides trading tools, resourses and reviews for todays futures trader.

Merv has started his own personal e-currency trading account and will periodically post updates - Visit the website to view the results

Additional information about e-currency trading can be found on his website at

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